Your primary goals are...

Your primary goals are...

1) Maximize targeted traffic to your merchants, spending only

time that maximize profits.

2) Maximize Conversion Rates. Do things right (no expense).

Don’t do just one. Do both. Why? Because, as you saw above, your payment

is determined by traffic multiplied by the Conversion Rate... not “added.” Your

profits grow geometrically when you concentrate on maximizing both traffic

and Conversion Rates.

I have spent quite a bit of time reviewing the difference between 5 Pillar

Affiliates who refer high traffic to us and who deliver high Conversion Rates

(% of visitors who purchase), and those who deliver low ones.

The #1 reason for low traffic and terrible Conversion Rates?

Banner ads! No content!

The futility of banners was first revealed by our 5 Pillar Program, both in our

original 5 Pillar Manual and in the 5 Pillar Affiliate Reports (our near-weekly

affiliate newsletter). Retinal studies have shown that Web surfers actually avoid

banners. Yes, their eyes look away!

Our study found that 5 Pillar Affiliates who relied solely on banners had an

average Conversion Rate of 0.5%. But those who used “in-context” text links

(i.e., text links that are part of the content of the Web page) averaged over 3.5%!

How’s that for a reason not to use banners?

Banners are cheesy and hurt your credibility. If visitors happen to click through

(a big “if”), they arrive at their destination feeling “pitched” rather than informed.

They have a resisting mindset, rather than with an open, ready-to-buy


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