Build Relationships With Other Technologies

On average, your visitor will need 7-13 exposures to your message before

getting that click. Your e-zine is one way to increase exposure, but Webmasters

use other methods to build familiarity as well…

9.2.1. Build Relationships With Forms

Forms are an easy and safe way to communicate and interact with your visitors

and customers. SPAM-bots can read e-mail addresses off your Web site so

having a Contact Form in place of an e-mail link is essential.

Forms usage is limited only by your imagination…

• conduct a survey or poll

• create a series of sequential Autoresponder messages or an e-course

• collect feedback from your visitors

• get leads or referrals

JuggleNow.com has implemented a brief survey...


• Translate-To-Success.com helps visitors locate translating services...


9.2.2. Build Relationships With A Blog

An e-zine generally goes out from once per week to once per month. If you have

enough content to write more frequently, consider a blog or Web diary

Free blog hosting is available from Google…


9.2.3. Build Relationships With RSS

Think of it like your local newspaper. The blog is the newspaper. RSS is the


But what exactly is RSS?...

“RSS” stands for “Really Simple Syndication.” And that is exactly what it is... a

new way for you to distribute content. That content can be any electronic

communication (Web pages, m3ps, video, etc.)

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