E-commerce Reality.

E-commerce is simpler than life. Due to its digital nature, there are fewer

variables... so the outcome is more controllable

This Reality is almost self-evident, yet it’s so easy to forget. Your success with

anything you do in the world of e-commerce flows from it. Internalize it and act

upon it... and you will succeed.

Yes, it’s that fundamental. And that leads me to…

Nothing happens by accident in the world of

computers, the Net, and customer response.

There is always a reason for what happens,

good or bad, and that reason is YOU.”

you've tried to make money as an affiliate.

You've probably joined countless numbers of affiliate programs, spent money on advertising , followed the latest "guru's" advice but still haven't made any REAL money.
Recently the amount of websites that have been surfacing with "income" screen shots, coupled with wild claims has been absurd.
I've been generating a full time living online for over 8 years and screen shots like this are worthless.
"Absolutely ZERO of this Affiliate Income Is Generated Using 'Pay Per Click' Advertising And Hyped Up Software"

Recently you will have noticed the FLOOD of pay per click software infiltrating the market place.

At the start it was highly effective but times are changing...

Everybody now has the 'secret pay per click software' which in turn creates a "saturation" problem.

Introduction Affiliate Masters Course

The Affiliate Masters Course is an intensive course on becoming a

high-earning affiliate champion.

How? By “building income through content,” the proven, C T P M way!

An affiliate business is one of the easiest ways to get your feet wet in ecommerce.



1) Recognize the fundamental reality of how people use the Web. Eliminate

offline thinking of “location, location, location.” Online, people search for

solutions through “information, information, information” (i.e., Content). So plan

to build a tightly-niched Theme-Based Content Site.

2) Do the critical up-front thinking and planning...

develop the best site concept/theme, based on what you know and love…

perhaps a hobby or past work experience can be your springboard.

brainstorm the most profitable topics related to your theme.

select the best related affiliate programs.

3) Then put yourself into the click path of your visitors. Achieve this by...delivering customer-focused Content (i.e., information that meets the

needs/wishes of your target group).

getting Targeted Traffic by building Search-Engine-Optimized pages that rank

highly on a search results page. The higher the ranking, the easier it is for

interested and targeted traffic to find you. More traffic means more potential

sales, which means more potential commissions for you.

PREselling (i.e., “warming up” your visitors) through valuable content that

establishes credibility. Once you have that, your recommendations carry more

weight. The difference in Conversion Rates between visitors who arrive

PREsold to your merchant’s site via an in-context text link vs. a banner can be as

high as 20-fold.

4) Eliminate dependency on any single source of income. By diversifying

into other complementary Monetization models beyond affiliate programs, you

reduce risk and increase stability. You are protected in case, for example, your

merchant partner goes bankrupt, or shuts down its Web division, or reduces

commissions, or fails on its payments.

Multiple income streams also have the potential to make every visitor to your site

count. A particular offer might not spark any interest but another one may be the

match that lights a fire!

The C T P M process for affiliate marketing boils down to this…

Create searched-for content (the “C”) that pulls in targeted traffic (the “T”).

Warm up (i.e., PREsell) your visitors so that they click on your recommendations

with an open-to-buy attitude (the “P”). And then generate income through those

PREsold visitors (i.e., monetize) using the low-risk affiliate model -- as a primary

source of income (if you have no product or service of your own to sell) or as a

profitable secondary source (the “M”).

Is this process difficult?

Not at all! But do keep in mind that this is not a “get-rich-quick” scheme. You

need to bring effort and passion to the table. After all, you are building more

than a Web site. You are building a real business!

C T P M works, if you work it!